I understand what you are saying scratchme.... I kind of feel the same way.... I know how JWs think…
Like stuckinarut was musing... I want to have a retort ready, to blast them if they ask. Kind of a 'damned if they do, and damned if they don't" kind of answer. I don’t like being left speechless, like I just got hit on the head.
My JW uber duber sister, with an elder for a husband, came up to me as I came to clean my JW mother's house, and announced to me:
"I just want you to know. We know you are not disfellowshipped, but you don't believe in the name of Jehovah. You are an apostate, and we ARE going to shun you"
So, I have been thinking about this for a long time, and I thought... if anyone ever says this to me again, I will reply:
"That is the difference between you and I."
"I am not going to be complicit in child sex abuse. I have seen the WT lawyers lie. I have seen Geoffrey Jackson lie in a court of law. God does not make me sit with liars, but if I want my family, the WT B&S makes me to go to meetings and sit with men of lies. That’s blackmail. No thank you, that is NOT for me. That IS the difference between you and I."